发电范围从化石燃料能源到核能等清洁能源, wind, solar and energy storage. We are at the forefront of planning, 设计和实施消防和生命安全系统,以支持安全可靠的设施运行, 重点是输配电设施. 从19世纪的技术到现代能源存储解决方案的挑战,皇家88账户注册些设施构成了独特的危险. 几十年来,皇家88娱乐一直在帮助识别和减轻火灾和爆炸风险,以确保 business continuity -整个全球基础设施的支柱.
If an incident does occur, we can assist with after-action reports, forensic evaluation, 实验室检测和根本原因评估. 皇家88娱乐努力确保安全合规从概念阶段开始,到设施的实施和维护结束.
Our Power Specialists
MS, Mechanical Engineering, 学士,机械工程,最优等生, Life Member and Fellow, Member, Member
B.S., Civil Engineering, Licensed PE: TX
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